• No Return Flight

    No Return Flight


    ‘No Return Flight” tells the story of the search for the 27 men that glided into the Arnhem area on 18 September 1944. Their Horsa, one among hundreds of plywood gliders, launched them into the cauldron that would be remembered as the Battle of Arnhem.

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  • Oergongen

    Oergongen | 22


    Oergongen is it twaentweintichste boek yn de rige fan In Fryske Odyssee. Dêryn is it libbensferhaal fan Bouke Blomhof opnommen, boer oan de Fluezen by It Heidenskip. Dit ferhaal is in ûnderdiel fan tal fan oare ferhalen, libbensbeskriuwings, mytyske teksten, novellen en romans, dy’t allegear in relaasje hawwe mei it libben fan de haadpersoan. De grutte roman oer de Blomhofs is de reade trie dy’t troch it gehiel rint.

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  • Oliver Twist

    Oliver Twist


    Oliver Twist; or, the Parish Boy’s Progress, Charles Dickens’s second novel, was published as a serial from 1837 to 1839, and as a three-volume book in 1838. Born in a workhouse, the orphan Oliver Twist is sold into apprenticeship with an undertaker. After escaping, Oliver travels to London, where he meets the “Artful Dodger”, a member of a gang of juvenile pickpockets led by the elderly criminal Fagin.

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  • On That War

    On That War


    ‘The time of the great debates about the origins of the Great War is over,’ German historian Oliver Janz wrote in 2013; but nothing proved less true. German historian Fritz Fischer had already, in the 1960s, caused a ‘controversy’ by attributing to Germany a ‘substantial’ and even a ‘decisive’ share in the outbreak of the war; but his work was only based on German sources. We had to wait till the early 21st century before academic studies appeared about the Russian (in 2011) and the French (in 2015) war aims!

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  • Op’e Njoggende Planeet

    Op’e Njoggende Planeet | 25


    Op ’e njoggende planeet is it fiifentweintichste boek yn de rige fan In Fryske Odyssee. Dêryn is it libbensferhaal fan Bouke Blomhof opnommen, boer oan de Fluezen by It Heidenskip. Dit ferhaal is in ûnderdiel fan tal fan oare ferhalen, libbensbeskriuwings, mytyske teksten, novellen en romans, dy’t allegear in relaasje hawwe mei it libben fan de haadpersoan. De grutte roman oer de Blomhofs is de reade trie dy’t troch it gehiel rint.

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  • Problems of the Chinese Revolution

    Problems of the Chinese Revolution


    In the Chinese Revolution of 1925–27 the Communist International played a very great role, depicted in this book quite comprehensively. We would, however, seek in vain in the library of the Communist International for a single book which attempts in any way to give a rounded picture of the Chinese Revolution. Instead, we find scores of “conjunctural” works’ which docilely reflect each zigzag in the politics of the Communist International, or, more correctly, of Soviet diplomacy in China, and subordinating to each zigzag facts as well as general treatment.

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  • Protection and civilization

    Protection and civilization


    Shocking events, such as disasters, wars, mis-treatment or abuse are serious attacks on the personal and social lives of human beings.

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  • Schloß Gripsholm

    Schloß Gripsholm


    In seinen Liebesromanen nimmt der berühmte Satiriker Kurt Tucholsky eine Art Auszeit von den politischen Kämpfen der Weimarer Republik. Zwar fehlt auch die Zeitkritik nicht, immer aber bleibt alles wunderbar leicht und fast märchenhaft. Mit ihrer Lebensfreude und entspannten Erotik verkörpern die Liebespaare, die Tucholsky auf ihren sommerlichen Urlaubsreisen begleitet, eine Art Gegenwelt zum deutsch-nationalen Spießertum.

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  • Slava Ukraini!

    Slava Ukraini!


    Vitéz Andris Kursietis has been a researcher of military history for over fifty years, using resources that span the globe. His latest book, “Slava Ukraini!”, contains the military biographies of almost 280 generals and admirals who served Ukraine during the four-and-a-half years of its struggle for existence, between 1917-1921, with an appendix that includes senior officers serving in the Ukrainian National Army in 1945, and those officers promoted by the Ukrainian government in exile.

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  • Slavery throughout world history


    Slavery existed from the earliest societies and played a leading role in world history. For a long time, slavery was portrayed in history books as a fringe phenomenon.
    Currently, slavery is receiving a lot of attention and it is rightly being brought out of oblivion. Those who know the history can thereby avoid repeating the same mistakes in the future. The book ‘Slavery Throughout World History’ focuses on an overall overview of the phenomenon of slavery in history and it delves deeper into motivations of both proponents of slavery and abolitionists. The actions of people according to sacred scriptures, have arguably been important to the course of history. England took the lead in abolishing slavery worldwide, having struggled internally to enshrine the abolition of the slave trade in law in 1807. The exodus from slavery is described in detail. Much attention is also paid to contemporary slavery and solutions are provided to combat it.


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  • Stalingrad Durch!.... Zu den Kameraden!

    Stalingrad Durch!…. Zu den Kameraden!


    Die härteste Panzerschlacht des Feldzuges hatte ihr Ende gefunden. We hat die Lorbeeren des Sieges davongetragen?
    Das musste sich in den folgenden Tagen erweisen. Die Schlacht wurde unentschieden abgebrochen. Die endgültigen Austragung stand noch bevor.

    Darüber waren sich beide Teile klar. Er war aber für die Lage bezeichnend, dass der Feind es nicht wagte, der Panzergruppe zu folgen oder sie auch nur zu belästigen.

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  • Stilles Finale

    Stilles Finale


    Der Autor hat auf bewundernswerte Weise versucht, sich in das Trauma einer jüdischen Familie einzufühlen. Darüber hinaus leistet die Geschichte einen wichtigen Beitrag zum Dialog zwischen Juden und Christen, der hoffentlich zu einem besseren Verständnis füreinander aus dem Inneren heraus führt.
    Rabbiner Awraham Soetendorp

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