• Emlékeim: Debreceni Harcok, 1944

    Emlékeim: Debreceni Harcok, 1944


    Dr. Gastony Endre
    Debreceni ifjúkor
    Ph. D., Univerity of Oregon
    Professzor, Augustana University

    Az ifjú korom éveiben megharcolt Második Világháború debreceni tüzviharának néhány személyesen megtanúsitott epizódját szeretném ebben az emlékiratban közössé tenni.

    “Tulajdonképpen történelem nem a mi tulajdonunk, hanem történelem birtokol bennünket.”

    – Hans-Georg Gadamer.

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  • Erich Ludendorff

    Erich Ludendorff


    There are several biographies about Erich Ludendorff. What most of them have in common is that they stop at the year 1918, the end of the First World War. This is un-justified. At the peak of his long career, between 1915 and roughly 1925, Ludendorff developed into the strongest man on the ‘right

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  • Erich Ludendorff, Mathilde von Kemnitz und der deutsche Gottglaube

    Erich Ludendorff, Mathilde von Kemnitz und der deutsche Gottglaube


    Der katastrophale Ausgang des Ersten Weltkriegs stellte für Deutschland ein großes Trauma dar. Die strengen Friedensbestim-mungen und die dem Land auferlegte Entschädigung, die im Ver-sailler Vertrag festgehalten wurden, verschärften die Situation noch weiter. Für General Erich Ludendorff, der mit Paul von Hinden-burg das entscheidende Duo auf deutscher Seite gebildet hatte, war dieses Ergebnis eigentlich inakzeptabel. Man hatte quasi praktisch gegen die ganze Welt gekämpft und nur um Haaresbreite verlo-ren. Der Heilungsprozess, der auf die Niederlage folgte, nahm für Ludendorff eine wundersame Wendung. Zusammen mit seiner zweiten Frau, Mathilde von Kemnitz, entstand eine neue religiöse Bewegung, um das Leid zu verkraften; der “deutsche Gottglaube”.

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  • Expats & Asian Women

    Expats & Asian Women


    About the book:

    Dr. Coen van’t Veer – historicus:
    Joop Heilijgers, is a born story teller. Entertaining with a lot of humor. He gives the reader a colourful insight in the expat life in the tropics. His stories are not only a pleasure to read, but also a modern way of history writing. I loved the book, and read story ofter story with a big smile on my face.

    A Director of Human Resources of a multinational:
    This book, should be compulsory reading for new Expats

    The writer Jacob (Joop) Heilijgers – a Dutch national – is a business man and writer of columns, articles and short stories. He has been living for 30 years in Singapore and Indonesia. Where he witnessed many strange things from close-by. Joop turned these into a book of 300 pages, with 16 independent true stories. Many are about amorous relations of fellow expats with much younger Asian women. The ideal wife in their eyes, but the big differences in age and culture often became a recipe for disappointment. Divorce, loss of money and even dead. Certainly, many mixed relations are going well. But hard to write a juicy story about, according to Joop.

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  • Five Journeys through the Arctic and a new Russia in search of Willem Barents


    This is a book about the amazing journey of people discovering the Arctic island of Novaya Zemlya, looking for traces of a small historical event against the backdrop of the ending of the Soviet Union.

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  • Flag Officers of the Austro-Hungarian Empire 1867 - 1918

    Flag Officers of the Austro-Hungarian Empire 1867 – 1918


    Vitéz Andris Kursietis has been a researcher of military history for over fifty years, using resources that span the globe. His latest book, “Flag Officers of the Austro-Hungarian Empire 1867 – 1918”, contains the military biographies of almost 4,500 generals and admirals who served the Dual Monarchy during the fifty-one years of its existence, ending with their participation in World War I (1914-1918) and the abolition of the Empire at the war’s end.

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  • Flying Memories

    Flying Memories


    This is the story of the Royal Flying Corps and the Royal Naval Air Service. At the outbreak of the war the R.F.C. concisted of only four squadrons organised for active service. The squadrons were concentrated at Farnborough under the command of Brigade-General Sir David Henderson. The unites were dispatched to France in 1914. In France they started the War in the Air. S.O.Bradshaw tells their story. Lt. H.D. Harvey Kelly was privileged to be the first R.F.C. pilot to arrive in France and landed in Amiens. He was killed om April 29 th 1917. Flying Memories of Stanley Orton Bradshaw brings back the glory days of the pilots of 1914-1918.

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  • Forgotten children

    Forgotten children


    On a cold Monday morning in March 1945, just after the hunger winter, children and their parents gathered on a dock in Waddinxveen. The malnourished children are leaving on a boat to Drenthe, where there still is food. They don’t know how long they will be away or where they are heading. But they trust the minister and they the need for food is high. The children have become refugees of war in their own country.

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  • From Anunnaki to Illuminati

    From Anunnaki to Illuminati


    There is an alternative history of life on this planet. Jaap Rameijer, known for his revelations about Rennes-le-Château and Glastonbury, outlines the secrets of the Anunnaki and the Illuminati to the reader. He shows how our early history was a history of slavery, where gold had to be mined for the gods. It was an era of high technology, of old gods and new gods, of very old civilizations and their imposing structures, of the clay tablets, the Bible and other religious scriptures and of the many disasters that befell the earth. Humanity lives and lived among secret societies with their hidden agendas. Lucifer and the Satanists made their ascent, as did UFOs, Orbs, Crop Circles and the Spirit World. Courageous writers rang the bell and try to warn humanity, while alien civilizations watch us carefully.

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  • Gesundheit und Chiropraktik

    Gesundheit und Chiropraktik


    Dieses Buch erläutert eine Heilmethode, deren Popularität ständig wächst. Diese Entwicklung verdankt die Chiropraktik den guten Resultaten und Heilungserfolgen, die sie erzielt. Der Autor zeigt, wie mit Chiropraktik eine Vielzahl physischer und körperlicher Beschwerden behoben werden kann: Rückenschmerzen, Kopfschmerzen, Migräne, Gelenkschmerzen aller Art, degenerative Probleme, Ischias, Schwangerschaftsprobleme, Sportverletzungen usw.

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  • Gesundheit und Natürliche Heilmethoden

    Gesundheit und Natürliche Heilmethoden


    Dieses Buch ist eine unentbehrliche Orientierungshilfe auf dem für Laien oft unüberschaubaren Gebiet der alternativen Heilkunde. Es bietet eine voll-ständige Übersicht und behandelt mehr als 200 verschiedene Methoden und Therapien, die in alphabetischer Reihenfolge vorgestellt und hinsichtlich ihrer Anwendungsmöglichkeiten und Wirkungsweisen beschrieben werden. Ein Therapieregister verweist darauf, bei welchen Krankheiten welche Natur-heilmethoden in Frage kommen.

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  • Heinrich Himmler

    Heinrich Himmler


    Heinrich Himmler, one of the most infamous mass murderers of all time, was originially from a conservative and Catholic family in Bavaria. Later he would break away from the church.

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