• Der Vierjahresplan 1939

    Der Vierjahresplan 1939


    Die Vierjahrespläne der Nazi-Wirtschaft sind in der Geschichtsschreibung im Zusammenhang mit dem National-sozialismus ein vernachlässigtes Thema. Noch immer gilt das Standardwerk van Dieter Petzina – Autarkiepolitik im Drit ten Reich, das 1968 in der Schriftreihe der Vierteljahreshefte für Zeitgeschichte erschien, als das Werk zum Thema, ne-ben mehr allgemeine Veröffentlichungen über die Naziwirtschaft von z.B. Adam Tooze -The Wages of Destruction, Friedrich Forstmeier und Hans-Erich Volkmann – Wirtschaft und Rüstung am Vorabend des Zweiten Weltkrieges und das mehrbändige Werk von Lotte Zumpe, Wirtschaft & Staat in Deutschland 1933-1945.

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  • Der Vierjahresplan 1940

    Der Vierjahresplan 1940


    Die Vierjahrespläne der Nazi-Wirtschaft sind in der Geschichtsschreibung im Zusammenhang mit dem National-sozialismus ein vernachlässigtes Thema. Noch immer gilt das Standardwerk van Dieter Petzina – Autarkiepolitik im Drit ten Reich, das 1968 in der Schriftreihe der Vierteljahreshefte für Zeitgeschichte erschien, als das Werk zum Thema, ne-ben mehr allgemeine Veröffentlichungen über die Naziwirtschaft von z.B. Adam Tooze -The Wages of Destruction, Friedrich Forstmeier und Hans-Erich Volkmann – Wirtschaft und Rüstung am Vorabend des Zweiten Weltkrieges und das mehrbändige Werk von Lotte Zumpe, Wirtschaft & Staat in Deutschland 1933-1945.

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  • Der Vierjahresplan 1941

    Der Vierjahresplan 1941


    Die Vierjahrespläne der Nazi-Wirtschaft sind in der Geschichtsschreibung im Zusammenhang mit dem National-sozialismus ein vernachlässigtes Thema. Noch immer gilt das Standardwerk van Dieter Petzina – Autarkiepolitik im Drit ten Reich, das 1968 in der Schriftreihe der Vierteljahreshefte für Zeitgeschichte erschien, als das Werk zum Thema, ne-ben mehr allgemeine Veröffentlichungen über die Naziwirtschaft von z.B. Adam Tooze -The Wages of Destruction, Friedrich Forstmeier und Hans-Erich Volkmann – Wirtschaft und Rüstung am Vorabend des Zweiten Weltkrieges und das mehrbändige Werk von Lotte Zumpe, Wirtschaft & Staat in Deutschland 1933-1945.

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  • Destination



    Could the twin brothers be considered lucky, being the only con-centration camp survivors from the Jewish community in Elburg. And what about the few dozen out of 660 men deported from Putten who returned after the war, were they lucky? In the Silent Final Henk Vaessen shows that for those who survived the war camps the suffering did not stop when they were liberated. For the spectator the war lasts from the beginning till the end… for the victim it lasts the rest of his life. And even then it is not over…

    The story confronts the reader with controversial subjects like the ‘second and third generation syndrome’, the relationship Judaism-Christianity and anti-semitism. At the same time the author interweaves humour and gravity in the daily life of the main characters.

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  • Dunkirk 1940

    Dunkirk 1940


    After the collapse of the front in France, a Stalingrad-like defeat was looming over the British expeditionary army in France. The soldiers were trapped like rats. German tanks rolled towards the town of Dunkirk after their successful ‘Blitzkrieg’, where tens of thousands of soldiers were huddled together. Then, out of nowhere, came Hitler’s halting order and the tank divisions stood still. From England, meanwhile, hundreds of ships were on their way to help perform a miracle. Before the eyes of the elite German divisions, the British expeditionary army escaped destruction. To this day, many questions remain unanswered.

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  • Dutch Decay

    Dutch Decay


    In this book, Maurits v. Falkenreck describes the decay of the Dutch welfare state, and also presents his innovative projects to counter this decay. During his years as an innovator and entrepreneur, he discovered the failing innovation system and culture in which he was operating. This resulted in a sharp and refined analysis of what he calls ‘The Political Ecosystem’.

    Based on this model and the philosophical concept of ‘Model-Platonism’, Falkenreck has created a thorough system analysis of Western politics and society. He exposes, in a unique way, the design flaws of Western society as we have known it since the ’60s – which not only caused the decay of the welfare state, but also the erosion of the culture and identity of both the Western world and the African continent.


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  • Dynamic coherence of Continental Philosophy

    Dynamic coherence of Continental Philosophy


    In this book he gives a survey of ‘continental’ philosophy, which is often contrasted with ‘analytic’ philosophy in the UK and US. Especially 20th century French philosophy created an upheaval, and evokes fundamental questions. This book sets out how a dynamic perspective, of existence as a process, can bring coherence. For that, it collects ideas from earlier publications, and gives a treatment of the dynamics of knowledge, language, ethics, existence and society.

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  • Dynamic Ecology

    Dynamic Ecology


    The ecological perspective one has depends on fundamental forms of thought. The old form, with a separation of subject and object, in a static ontology of the fixed identities of things, led to destruction of nature, and we need a new form that is more nature-friendly, robust and flexible, that adapts to changing conditions. That digs deep.

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  • Early Dutch entrepreneurship and its contribution to modern economy

    Early Dutch entrepreneurship and its contribution to modern economy


    Based on the ’theory formation of entrepreneurship’, as has been developed over the past few decades by political economists, sociologists and social-economic historians on the notion ‘entrepreneurship’, this study will focus on how entrepreneurship in the Netherlands, specifi cally during ‘Trade Capitalism’ (1350-1815), took shape and what its contribution has been to the period of ‘Total Capitalism’ (as from the late 1980s).

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  • Ebola. Behind the mask

    Ebola. Behind the mask


    In this book, they describe their experiences in the Ebola crisis up close and personal. From the decision to commit to a mission, the training with MSF in Amsterdam, the journey to Kailahun,
    and most importantly, the work in the Ebola Management Centre. Working alongside dozens of men and women from Sierra Leone, they cared for more than 150 patients with Ebola. These patients were more than a mere statistic; all have their own story.

    This is life and death, a true inside story of the outbreak.

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  • Economic and Social History of Medieval Europe

    Economic and Social History of Medieval Europe


    In this book, Hein Pirenne, the great Belgian economic historian, traces the character and general movement of the economic and social evolution of Western Europe from the end of the Roman Empire to the middle of the fifteenth century. From the breakup of the economic equilibrium of the ancient world to the revival of commerce, the redevelopment of credit, the trade of commodities, the origins of urban industry, and the rebirth of new forms of protectionism, mercantilism, and capitalism, Pirenne presents as complete a picture of the Medieval world as is possible in one volume. “I have tried,” says the author in his preface, “to envisage this great area as a single whole, of which the parts were in constant communication with each other; in other words I have adopted an international standpoint… I have been careful not to resort to theories lest I shoeld do violence to the facts… Finally, I have throughout tried to give s clear an account as possible, even of the most controversial problems.

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  • Embedded in the universal consciousness

    Embedded in the universal consciousness


    Most people unwillingly limit their awareness to a life as it literally appears before their eyes. Few experience an ‘above’ in everyday life. But to feel truly connected, to be in it, is different. Are there experiences that surpass human understanding? Yes of course there are! Science begins with trying to picture something you want to know more about: something which is in fact already present in our experience or observation but which apparently causes enough curiosity to investigate further. In order to gain an interpretation of spiritual experiences the necessity of the heart consciousness seems the more obvious choice of instrument. This book is about reclaiming, fully living and sharing your own truth about spiritual experiences.

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