• The Wanderings of a Spiritualist

    The Wanderings of a Spiritualist


    “This is an account of the wanderings of a spiritualist, geographical and speculative. Should the reader have no interest in psychic things if indeed any human being can be so foolish as not to be interested in his own nature and fate, then this is the place to put the book down. It were better also to end the matter now if you have no patience with a go-as-you-please style of narrative, which founds itself upon the conviction that thought may be as interesting as action, and which is bound by its very nature to be intensely personal. I write a record of what absorbs my mind which may be very different from that which appeals to yours. But if you are content to come with me upon these terms then let us start with my apologies in advance for the pages which may bore you, and with my hopes that some may compensate you by pleasure or by profit. I write these lines with a pad upon my knee, heaving upon the long roll of the In-dian Ocean, running large and grey under a grey streaked sky, with the rain swept hills of Ceylon, just one shade greyer, lining the Eastern skyline. So under many difficulties it will be carried on, which may explain if it does not excuse any slurring of a style, which is at its best but plain English.” – Sir Arthur Conan Doyle

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  • The Wehrmacht at War 1939-1945

    The Wehrmacht at War 1939-1945


    ‘The Wehrmacht at War 1939 -1945’is the culmination of twenty five years of research and three years of writing, and is a unique, in-depth presentation of the order of battle and commanders of the German Army ground forces during World War II.

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  • Thule and the Third Reich

    Thule and the Third Reich


    Long before Hitler entered the stage, ariosop-ic thought already thrived in Germany en Europe. This boek provides a peak into one of the oldest sources on this theme: the early work of Rudolf von Sebottendorff, a mystical man who prophesied the downfall of the fatherland as a consequence of the stab-in-the-back myth.

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  • Timoschenko und die Zweite Schlacht um Charkow

    Timoschenko und die Zweite Schlacht um Charkow


    Im Mai 1942 begannen die Sommerkämpfe an der Ostfront. Sowohl auf deutscher wie auf sowjetischer Seite war man ehrgeizig: Die Deutschen waren voll mit ihren Angriffsplänen am südlichen Teil der Ostfront beschäftigt; diese sollten später im Jahr bei Stalingrad und im Kaukasus scheitern. Bei den Vorbe-reitungen wurden sie von einer unerwarteten Offensive der sow-jetischen Südwestfront unter Befehl von dem sehr ehrgeizigen General T überrascht. Der Inspirator dieser Offensive, bei der mehr als 700.000 Sowjetsoldaten eingesetzt worden waren, war kein geringerer als Feldmarschall Stalin selbst.

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  • Troilus and Cressida

    Troilus and Cressida


    Troilus and Cressida is set during the later years of the Trojan War, faithfully following the plotline of the Iliad from Achilles’ refusal to participate in battle to Hector’s death. Essentially, two plots are followed in the play.

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  • Unter dem Zeichen des Aeskulap 1940 – 1945

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  • Valletta



    Manoel de Vilhena is renowned as the Grand Master who gave Valletta one of its architectural treasures – the Manoel Theatre. Not so widely known is the fact that in putting up this statue on the corner where East Street meets Archbishop Street, he was also giving Valletta its flag.

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  • Voices of the Soul

    Voices of the Soul


    This searing memoir, written by a son about his mother’s dementia, is set in a town in the Netherlands but the issues reflected are relevant anywhere. The family are devoted, but the mother’s decline reveals undercurrents in their relationships. We hear of the conventional medical approach to this difficult area of care but the family reject the medication so frequently prescribed to control patients.

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  • Vor dem Todesurteil

    Vor dem Todesurteil


    Karl Peter Berg (1907-1949), ab März 1943 Lagerkommandant des Polizeilichen Durchgangslagers Amersfoort, wurde in den Niederlanden als einer der wenigen deutschen Kriegsverbrecher 1949 hingerichtet. Er hat für den Prozess in Amsterdam, wo auch einige seiner Untergebenen sowie May vom Stab des Befehlshabers der Sicherheitspolizei und der SD in Den Haag vor Gericht standen, eine Verteidigungsrede gehalten, die hier mit Noten und Anmerkungen veröffentlicht wird.

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  • Waffen-SS 1939-1945, A ruthless Enemy

    Waffen-SS 1939-1945, A ruthless Enemy


    The Waffen-SS, as fourth ‘army branch’ of the German army, is still surrounded with a certain mystical fog. Some divisions, mostly from the first levies, have general fame, like Hitler’s body guard division, the ‘Leibstandarte Adolf Hitler’, or the ‘Das Reich’ division. However, the fact that Waffen-SS grew into a significant force – 38 divisions – during the war, is largely unknown. Yet, due to the expansion, the elite status of the Waff-en-SS lessened. Leveled by its large numbers and the intake of foreigners, the Waffen-SS eventually fell in the streets of Bu-dapest, Berlin, Vienna and in the misty forests of the Ardennes.

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  • What chiropractic can do for you

    What chiropractic can do for you


    This book deals with chiropractic, a well-known and popular therapy. Chiropractic comprises diagnosis, treatment and prevention of disorders. Most complaints treated by the chiropractor concern the back, shoulders and neck. But also headache, migraine, facial pain, tingling and numbness in arms and legs can be effectively treated. Women with low back pain during pregnancy or menstruation pain may derive benefit from chiropractic supporting care. Complaints ‘beyond’ the spinal column can also be treated, for example, muscle complaints, joint complaints, tennis arm and knee, ankles and feet complaints.


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  • What is Antizionisme?

    What is Antizionisme?


    Antizionism – the opposition to Zionism and the state of Israel – has progressed at a breath-taking speed. Whether it be at the United Nations, in the Middle East, on campuses, in the mass-media or elsewhere, Antizionism has become a very topical subject that has engendered passionate debates. Paradoxically, the study of Antizionism has remained in its infancy and this book is the first attempt to examine the subject as a global phenomenon on a more comprehensive and systematic level.

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