“Diesen Weg sind wir gegangen!”
0In „Diesen Weg sind wir gegangen“ ergreift erneut Joachim Stempel das Wort. Es skizziert den Krieg aus der Sicht des Panzergrenadier-Regiments 108 der 14. Panzer-Division. Der Krieg führte die deutschen Grenadiere ins Zentrum von Stalingrad. auf eindringliche Weise skizziert er Leben und Tod im Kessel.
150 Palästinensische Fabeln
0Sie kennen sie bestimmt wohl, eine Anzahl der vielen Slogans der palästinensischen Propaganda wie: “Der palästinensische Terror ist eine logische Folge der Besetzung”, “Israel wurde gegründet wegen des Schuldgefühls des Westens über den Holocaust” und “Die Siedlungen machen Frieden unmöglich”.
Haben Sie dabei manchmal nicht gedacht: Irgendwo stimmt etwas nicht, aber wo und was wohl?
150 Palestinian tales
0You’ve heard the many slogans of Palestinian propaganda. They sound something like: “Palestinian terror is a logical result of the occupation,” “Israel was established because of West- ern guilt over the Holocaust,” or, “The settlements make peace impossible.” If you’ve felt that these accusations were misplaced but couldn’t articulate the reason why, then this book is for you. This book gives you the answers. It blows away the haze of Palestinian propaganda with real, verifiable facts.
666 Die Offenbarung des Johannes als Verklärung der Taten Octavians
0Am Anfang steht die Lösung des jahrtausendealten Rätsels 666, die Zahl des Tieres. Entgegen dem, was die Theologen vermuten, handelt es sich nicht um einen römischen Kaiser, weder Nero noch Domitian, sondern um Kleopatra. Dabei wäre es leicht gewesen, es zu erraten: Cherchez la femme!
A Christmas Carol
0Ebenezer Scrooge is a mean old man with no friends or family to love him – he’s just so miserable and bitter! One freezing cold Christmas Eve, Marley’s Ghost pays Scrooge a visit and an eerie night-time journey begins. The Christmas spirits are here to show Scrooge the error if his nasty ways. By visiting his past, present and future, will Scrooge learn to love Christmas and the others around him?
A Forbidden Daughter From India
0Asha Dijkstra was adopted from India. As a little girl, she wasn’t allowed to grow up with her biological parents.
Themes like identity, inclusion and gender equality are intertwined in her personal story supported by research. Asha works at the Dutch Inspectorate of Education to provide input on adoption policies as an expert by experience. She also set up her own charity in India, the Aara Foundation.‘What does it mean to be adopted?
A year drenched in blood
0Hitler talked about his ‘Fortress Europa’, but it was a rampart ‘without a roof.’ Above all the western allied air eet relentless bombed Nazi-Germany. After the failed battle at Kurks in 1943, the allied landings in Normandy and the collapse of army group ‘Mitte’ in 1944, it was clear that Hitler lost the war on military and production technical district. Nevertheless the German people fought on.
Aggression under the Guise of Liberation
0With the Soviet invasion of Poland on 17 September 1939, a secret and extraordinary pact came into effect. Two opposing ideologies, National Socialism and Communism, joined forces to wipe the hated Poland off the map. Even plans for a sub-Poland were eventually dismissed. This co-operation had earlier historical roots, but was also born out of practical necessity. Besides the origins of cooperation, we will reflect on the practical implementation of this pact. Europe’s two largest armies fought the same opponent from opposite directions. With ideological diversity, conflicts and accidents lurked. Caution was imperative. Curiosity was there too; about each other’s weapons systems, each other’s armies and officers, and about the ‘Jewish’ political commissioners. Fear of friendly fire played a role a well, because accidents happen, and indeed things went wrong in several places.
Band. Fans. Friends. Music
0Black clothing, backcombed hair, belts, doom music, berry jenever. The new-wave (or post-punk) culture of the eighties is revived. Learn about an impressive cultural phenomenon or reminisce about your own past.
Beaken foar it Minskdom | 26
0Beaken foar it Minskdom is it seisentweintichste boek yn de rige fan In Fryske Odyssee. Dêryn is it libbensferhaal fan Bouke Blomhof opnommen, boer oan de Fluezen by It Heidenskip. Dit ferhaal is in ûnderdiel fan tal fan oare ferhalen, libbensbeskriuwings, mytyske teksten, novellen en romans, dy’t allegear in relaasje hawwe mei it libben fan de haadpersoan. De grutte roman oer de Blomhofs is de reade trie dy’t troch it gehiel rint.
0Centuries ago in Java, Indonesia, a king from the Sailendra dynasty called an architect, Gunadharma, to build an improbable construction. Hundreds of artists and workers may have taken three generations to realize Borobudur. The temple then saw the light only for a short period, before being overwhelmed by volcanic lava, ash, and jungle vegetation.
Brothers in Arms
0Suffering due to the consequences of the border revision of mid-europe, romania, led by marshal antonescu, opted for a pact with nazi germany. it was a deal with the devil. the romanian jews were sacrificed and the romanian army fell at stalingrad. the author sheds a light on the consequences of these fatal events through extensive archive work.