• Rispinge 3

    Rispinge 3


    Een actualiteit echter waarvan met het schrift de akte gepasseerd is. Een verleden dat niet zonder lastgeving is. Het brengt mee met anderen het gesprek aan te gaan en zich te buigen over wat is neergeschreven. Een gesprek dat verbuigt wat er staat, maar niet zonder nog meer zich daarvoor te buigen. Ofwel, eigen mening doet ertoe, maar meer nog is het zaak er op te letten bij anderen niet als betweter over te komen. Betweterij die ook wel theologie wordt genoemd. Maar dan kun je toch wel aan de gang blijven? Nou en?

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  • Schrödinger’s cat in other words

    Schrödinger’s cat in other words


    We now know that biological evolution is self-regulatory and has unhinged man’s concept of God’s creation. The resulting reappraisal is still ongoing, for which there are many reasons, some of which are dealt with in this short story.

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  • Schrödinger’s kat met andere woorden

    Schrödinger’s kat met andere woorden


    Wij weten nu dat de biologische evolutie zelfregulerend is en verantwoordelijk is voor het ontwrichten van het concept dat de mens over God heeft. De herwaardering nadien is nog steeds gaande om vele redenen, waarvan enkele in dit korte verhaal de revue passeren.

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  • Seneca en de mysterieuze kosmos

    Seneca en de mysterieuze kosmos


    In onze tijd geloven veel mensen niet of niet meer in de klassieke christelijke God. Toch blijven zij vaak wel denken dat er iets moet zijn, een essentie boven of buiten onze aarde, waaruit alles en allen zijn voortgekomen. We bedoelen de zogenoemde “ietsisten”. Door traditionele gelovigen werden en worden zij doorgaans behandeld als ondergeschoven kindjes.

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  • Spiegels van Bretagne

    Spiegels van Bretagne


    Deze filosofische novelle is een beeldend geschreven roadtrip door het ruige kustlandschap en door het binnenland van Bretagne. Ook worden er twee eilanden bezocht voor de Bretonse kust.

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  • Tannenberg



    Tannenberg; looking back, this town and battle symbolise an atypical episode in the First World War: the war of movement. In reality the war quickly turned into a trench war, such as we knew it in the West. With the battle at Tannenberg and the ones that followed, which all had a quite positive outcome for Germany, Ludendorff had left his mark. is untimately brought the duo Von Hindenburg – Ludendorff to the absolute military top of Germany. As from 1917 they, together with the emperor, dictated the course of the war. Ludendorff left such a heavy mark
    on everything that people also referred to it as ‘Ludendor ’s dictatorship’. Not only did he interfere in military matters, but also in politics, the war economy, propaganda, and he played a decisive role in major war decisions in other areas, such as diplomacy and the submarine war. In the end the war became identified with Ludendorff , who had to step aside when the
    unavoidable defeat came in 1918. is was a bitter disappointment for Ludendorff .

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  • Tegen de Verlichting

    Tegen de Verlichting


    Een tijdsgeest staat niet op zichzelf, maar is altijd voortgekomen uit een historisch verloop. Alleen met de historische achtergrond kunnen we de actualiteit begrijpen. In Tegen de verlichting gaat Stijn Klarenbeek terug naar deze wortels. De Moderniteit vindt haar oorsprong in de Verlichting en de Romantiek – twee stromingen die voortdurend met elkaar botsen. En juist dit conflict zien we in deze tijd terug. Het conflict tussen individualisme en collectivisme, tussen nationalisme en kosmopolitisme, tussen progressieve vooruitgang en conservatief behoud, tussen elite en volk: al deze spanningen vallen samen met de spanning tussen Verlichting en Romantiek.

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  • The Battle for Ginkel Heath near Ede

    The Battle for Ginkel Heath near Ede


    The heroic and valiant actions by the British and Polish airborne troops at the Arnhem road bridge and in the Oosterbeck perimeter, which latter acted as bridgehead round the headquarters of the 1st British Airborne Division at Hotel Hartenstein, are well known. Less well known is what happened during the first days of Operation Market Garden at Ginkel Heath, east of Ede, where nearly two thousand British parachutists landed on 18 September 1944.

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  • The beginning, the end and everything in between


    The beginning, the end, and everything in between stars the man. It’s about the life of a Dutch man, born in 1939 and up to the end that is yet to come. Preparations have started for that end, however. Judging by the large membership numbers of the Nederlandse Vereniging voor Vrijwillige Euthanasie-the Dutch euthanasia association-he is not the only one.

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  • The gap between high and low education

    The gap between high and low education


    The gap between high and low educated has a long history, since the Renaissance in the 16th century, and she still grows. She creates discrimination and prejudice, and is accompanied by a gap in income.

    In the 20th century there appeared to be a rebirth of humanism, in the cultural revolution of the 1960’s, but that faded away when the ‘babyboomers’ joined the game of the established order.

    The gap is fatal, not only for the low educated, but for society as a whole, including the high educated. Growth of understanding, knowledge and skill requires assimilation and accommodation, and the gap limits this. For a flou-rishing society, a connection between theory and practice is needed.

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  • The important difference between looking and seeing

    The important difference between looking and seeing


    The distant ancestors from Egypt and India spoke of the veil of Isis or Maya. It is the mother (Isis, Maya) who gives life and teaches a child to look. She offers words and customs that guide us towards a world we discover and form. However, in order to see you must lift that veil. Other people cannot do that for you. You have to experience and discover the world behind the words and through the acquired habits, in doing so lift the veil of Isis and start to see. This subsequently changes the way one looks and experiences the world. In addition, it offers new opportunities in art, politics, and science.

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  • The miraculous resurrection of Immanuel Kant and other articles

    The miraculous resurrection of Immanuel Kant and other articles


    The present volume makes an important contribution to the analysis of the political scene in Germany in the years since the end of the Cold War, pointing out dangers to democracy primarily from the Right but also from the Left. It is a contribution to scholarship that these important articles which appeared in a variety of journals are now accessible to a broader public.

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