What chiropractic can do for you
0This book deals with chiropractic, a well-known and popular therapy. Chiropractic comprises diagnosis, treatment and prevention of disorders. Most complaints treated by the chiropractor concern the back, shoulders and neck. But also headache, migraine, facial pain, tingling and numbness in arms and legs can be effectively treated. Women with low back pain during pregnancy or menstruation pain may derive benefit from chiropractic supporting care. Complaints ‘beyond’ the spinal column can also be treated, for example, muscle complaints, joint complaints, tennis arm and knee, ankles and feet complaints.
What is Antizionisme?
0Antizionism – the opposition to Zionism and the state of Israel – has progressed at a breath-taking speed. Whether it be at the United Nations, in the Middle East, on campuses, in the mass-media or elsewhere, Antizionism has become a very topical subject that has engendered passionate debates. Paradoxically, the study of Antizionism has remained in its infancy and this book is the first attempt to examine the subject as a global phenomenon on a more comprehensive and systematic level.
With Hitler for Mother Russia
0About 1 million inhabitants of the Soviet Union collaborated with the Nazis. This is a remarkable fact, because the Nazis, thanks to their racial policy, could not really be considered allies. And yet it happened. The aversion to Bolshevism and the hope for new freedom opened up a horizon in which collaboration between the Soviet peoples and the Germans seemed to offer a better alternative than the ‘Soviet paradise’. Historical oppression and bloody experiences played a major role in this, especially among the Ukrainian, Crimean and Caucasian peoples.
Woodrow Wilson and the World War
0Because it was written right after the “Great War” [Woodrow Wilson and the World War] is a fantastic historical image of how contemporaries viewed the war, its causes, results, and how Woodrow Wilson managed and used it to further his ideological goal of Collective Security. It really is a great contemporary look of the situations surrounding the United States and World War I.